Friday, September 08, 2006

Well spotted, Mr. Poon.

Sugar, Mr. Poon? has a good catch from Scoop's preposterous Tiger Woods column:

"Because unless you were at Medinah or until you see him play in person, live and unfiltered, live and uncut -- until you can spend three to four hours watching him, studying him, experiencing him -- you have no idea how dominating, important and imposing the will of Tiger Woods truly is. You have no idea what you're missing.

One dimension doesn't do his aura justice. You need all three."

Uh, Scoop? Television is two dimensions.

I like that Sugar, Mr. Poon? has developed the same reflexive reaction as me: "Uh, Scoop?" He also could have mentioned that "[a]ccording to Euclid, no physical object can be one-dimensional."


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